二藤建人 Kento Nito
二藤建人 Kento Nito
[ Artist ]
Born at Saitama in1986. Graduated sculpture course of Tokyo university of fine art. Solo exhibition recent years were "Throwing for the Unforeseen"(2012/Tokyo)"It can not wash away!" "standpoints"(2010,2012/Aichi)and some. And group exhibition was "14th TARO Award for contemporary Art Exhibition"(2011/Kanagawa) "Tokyo wonder wall 2011"(2011/Tokyo)Main work is sculpture and performance. 

Throwing for the Unforeseen
Liquid go to fix along their bowl someday. But is our own bowl fixed? If the earth is also mobil as us, we can not make any confidence. He went into the mud. He was already fixed. But he has being clothed liquid with keeping his first finger pointing his sky.